Check Out My Guest Post On “A Virtuous Woman”

Hello Friends!

I‘m using this post to support a friend’s blog and to let you know how much I appreciate YOU!

First, please allow me to introduce you to Melissa Ringstaff. She, too, is a pastor’s wife. We met through our multi-talented mutual friend, Sara Asaftei, (, who has a knack for connecting the dots between people who can benefit one another professionally, or otherwise.

Melissa serves with her husband in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of Southeastern Kentucky. She is a homeschooling mother of five plus four and Grandarlin’ to 14 (so far) grandchildren. Melissa has been blogging at A Virtuous Woman since 2001. She has written several titles including Spring Cleaning for the Heart and Home, The Homemaker’s Journal: Keeping House, and Christmas ADVENTures in Prophecy.

I‘m blessed to be able to share the most recent article on Melissa’s blog, written by…me. When we spoke about this particular topic, I told her I was quite passionate about how Fifty Shades has crept into the heads and beds of Christian women. What's on Your nightstand

If you’d like to read the entire article, here’s the link:

If, after reading, you are unsure whether Fifty Shades of Grey can be classified as “porn,” please consider this definition of pornography addiction from Segen’s Medical Dictionary:

Porn Addiction

A condition that has been defined as a psychological addiction to, or dependence upon, pornography, characterized by obsessive viewing, reading, and thinking about pornography and sexual themes to the detriment of other areas of the viewer’s life (

That said, I also want to take a moment to thank those of you who follow and comment on my blog. I know it’s an extra step to come to the blog and click “follow” and to go through the process of commenting directly here, but by doing that, you are helping me to build a solid readership that is sincerely interested in the topics I write about. My prayer is that eventually, I will be able to show potential publishers for my manuscript that, “Yes, I DO have an audience who wants to read this particular book and the others I may write in the future.”

I‘m excited to announce that I’m moving to a new website in the near future & had the privilege of working with lifestyle photographer Kern Hercules from Hercules Images ( yesterday to create a new look for my site. If you are reading this, that means you care about me and the ministry God is calling me to. Thank you. I look forward to the day when I can sign YOUR copy of Same Dress, Different Day (or whatever my future publisher chooses to title this work).

May God bless you this week. I’ll see you here next time for the first in my next series on Recovery Step 2: “We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”


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