Celebrate your Recovery

I love getting feedback from friends who have read my book or heard my presentations. When the writer of this blog shared how God used my visit to her church to sow seeds of interest in the Celebrate Recovery program, I was so excited I wanted to share her story with my own readers. If you are ready for some life change, this may be the avenue God wants to use to guide you on a different path. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “Celebrate your Recovery

  1. sandradoran – Dr. Sandra Doran has worked with parents and teachers for more than twenty-five years. With a doctorate in special education from Boston University and her years of experience supervising teachers and working with students from preschool through college, she is able to offer practical help and heartwarming insights to parents, teachers, and all those who love children.
    sandradoran on said:

    I just finished reading Same Dress, Different Day. What an emotionally-packed experience! Juliet, your incredible candor is amazing. I know that this book will help many, many people as they gain the courage to cut the ties with those who are wounding them while remaining compassionate towards those who struggle with addiction. Juliet, you serve as a role-model — a living example of one who understands the importance of healthy boundaries and emotional wholeness. I found Same Dress, Different Day to be a life-impacting experience. My understanding of those around me has deepened. Thank you for daring to trust your readers with the painful, powerful, uplifting story of your life. Your courage is enough to change the world.

    • Juliet – In ABC order: I am an Advocate, Birder, Cook, and Daughter, Evangelist, Friend, Grateful believer, Helper, iphoner, Jesus-follower, Kid-at-heart, Lover of children, Mrs. and Mom, Nature lover, Optimist, Photographer, Quotation collector, Reader, Secret-keeper, Teacher, Unafraid, Victor, Writer, and...XYZer.
      Juliet on said:

      Thank you, Dr. Doran, for your beautiful affirmation of this work…and of the work God is doing in my life. He’s not finished yet, but by His grace, each of us can all be “more than conquerors.”

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